Starting the visit without a map is not a good idea. This giant one was right at the entrance and was well stocked with paper carry along maps. Thoughtful idea by the Fair Operators.
Souvenirs? From the front entrance to the last step out of the fair there are souvenir vendors prepared to make sure you remember your fun day of excess at the State Fair. |
STEP RIGHT UP FOLKS! Come see the giant snakes that terrorized the Amazon and Congo. Its totally safe! we have just fed them the children who were lost or abandoned by their parents. Step right up here and see the giant snakes. |
What would the fair be with out DESTRUCTION DERBY. The smell of gasoline, the sound of metal against metal, squealing tires and the drivers trying with all their cunning to be the last one moving. |
Looks like this car is a new entrant. No dents! |
The gaping maw of the arena stands awaits the evening feeding of ecstatic derby fans who will cheer on their steel clad gladiators in the chaos and mayhem on the floor of this desert Colosseum. |
Food Alley where every decadent edible indulgence can be purchased and consumed.
The Fair is truly a food orgy with every fast food, greasy succulent, and tasty sweet available. this year BACON was featured with thin slices of cured pork wrapped around just about every possible food item. |
Bacon wrapped sausages on a stick lingered over grilling charcoal waiting to thrill the taste buds. I do not know what those vegetables were doing there, I never saw anyone eating them? |
Bacon wrapped turkey legs! Or if that looked just too much how about a plain grilled turkey leg, basted with bacon fat? |
Tired of the Bacon? Try a Rib Burger accompanied by some smoked sausage on a stick (I want the stick concession for the fair -- just about everything was available on a stick for easy carrying and low mess eating) |
Indian fry bread tacos did not come on a stick. Actually more like an Indian fry bread tostada but still fat laden and with enough hot salsa really yummy! |
Looking for a break from the cholesterol? Sweet tooth tingling for a treat? Cheese cake on a stick will cure that yearning. |
Maybe just a plain burger or some old fashioned cheese steak to round out the dinning experience. |
OKAY! just a bit more --- some caramelized kettle corn with a cotton candy chaser will really top off the day. |
Another smoked turkey leg? Heavens NO! these are not even bacon wrapped, what an injustice! |
TEXAS SIZED!!! Lay on the whipped cream and sprinkles and extra syrup please. |
Hand dipped? I cannot let this culinary craftsman's efforts go without just a taste. |
At last a fast food that we all can relate to, Pizza. But not on a stick, Darn. |
WAIT -- WHAT is this? Roasted corn without a bacon wrap? Healthy food, OH the indignity OH the travesty and sacrilege of a State Fair food booth. (partially redeemed by the attendant's bacon shirt) |
Tired of the fizzing sodas and extra sweet lemon aids? Try a fresh squeezed juice drink. This will help clean that greasy feeling from your mouth and make it ready for some more indulgence. |
Stuffed with Fair Food and ready for some hair raising, spine tingling wild rides. Start with the giant centrifuge. Stand on the small ledge with your back against the wall and wait for the spinning to begin. |
Faster, Faster until you feel the small platform on which your feet
rested to slowly pull away and the tub of your containment begins its
tilting leaving you pinned against the wall trapped by the centrifugal
force. |
Spinning not enough? strap yourself into a seat and allow the giant arm to swing you around while your seat spins you upside down. Marvelous on a full stomach. |
No more spinning just a death defying dead drop. Slowly rising to about 90 feet and then...CLICK |
a fast fall as captured in this multiple exposure. |
| Want some more spinning? check out this machine that makes water boarding seem like a child's game. |
What would a Fair be without a Ferris wheel? |
Just an artful shot I thought would be nice to include. |
A twisted version of the merry-go-round. |
Faster and faster until the only thing holding you onto life is a pair of steel cables. |
Why is no one smiling? Screams on top of screams but no smiles --- until the end when the kids are pleading "can we go again?" |
At last a ride for seniors. I want to ride the roaring lion. |
AT LAST that part of the state fair that beckons to its origin: crafts submitted by adult and children residents. These 4H submissions demonstrate the skills passed from parent to child: quilting, sewing, canning, baking and photography. |
Stylized art forms were on display. This depiction of the 1000 cranes bringing good fortune
showed great skill in origami. |
A copper bust of an American Indian reflects the advanced metal work skills of the artist. |
There were walls of paintings on display. Many were exceptional while all represented the best work of the artist. |
Advanced wood working worthy of the blue ribbon and the special citation it received. |
Submissions ranged from Quilts and hand crafted rocking chairs to painted plates and soap box derby cars. |
Performance art was scheduled through out the day. These young tap dancers awaited their turn at stardom on the youth stage. |
4H members have a chance to show off their animals and showmanship skills. Narrow necks, straight backs and good udder potential were winning qualities of these yearling does. While goats were on display this day, all farm animals had their day in the spotlight. |
HI there ! |
One small blue ribbon was all I chewed! HONEST! |
Chickens were judged and awarded ribbons for whatever chickens are judged for. |
Rabbits also had an area in the barns. Meat rabbits and show rabbits were both on display and for sale. An interesting factoid about rabbits is that their feed utilization ratio is among the highest in farm animals. This means they are good at converting their feed into marketable meat. |
Outside the animal barns are the games of chance and skill.
A simple game. Just toss this plastic ring over any bottle neck and win a prize. Let me show you how easy it is (toss) clink ...wrinnnng. There see that as simple as tieing your shoes. Step right young man and win the lady a prize.
So So easy! Ring any duck and win a prize. Large rings small ducks how can you miss on this? Show your friends and win that special person a giant prize.
Challenge your friends! just shoot the little balls into the pockets and out race your competitors. Someone wins every time.
Minions, Minions the apparent prize of choice this year.
ONLY IN ARIZONA. The flag vendor at the state fair displays Confederate flags, team flags, commercial flags, pirate flags and tea party flags BUT NO AMERICAN FLAGS and no Arizona state flag! (EXCEPT the ones printed on the building sign). sigh! |
Reminds me of the years spent at state fair!