Sunday, December 14, 2014

Smithers Park, Houston Texas

for a more complete description of this park and the work of Dan Phillips visit this URL:
over fifty artists are contributing to this park mosaic. expected completion is in 2016.

one of the artist's cars.

A close up of the complex details of this wall.

exterior of the band shell

Interior of the band shell

details of the bandshell

beer can house

locate in the middle of a residential block the beer can house is the anomaly that draws people to this area.

John's work bench

some of the tools(?) he used to install these beer cans.

a featured beer can used by the artist.  rare according to the guide?

a lemon juice tree

the floor tile was not excepted from the artist's whim. each tile was cut and installed with smaller squares.

John with his VERY patient wife.

some added details about John Milkovich and this amazing work of art and love.

There could be no better photo of John Milkovich than this portrait.  Beer was good to him.

Galveston wood sculpture

after the hurricanes that hit Galveston there were many downed trees, some of which had large trunks. The local art community volunteered to convert several of these tree trunks into works of art by sculpting them into figures,  The pictures below show most of these sculptures.

The dog longs for the fire hydrant.