Monday, July 18, 2016

Volunteering at Philpott Dam

In our past trips we have encountered many volunteers working at National Parks and other recreational facilities. We decided to offer our services through the website  a site that lists opportunities to work at a wide variety of public government owned locations. It is obvious the need for volunteers is great since we were offered opportunities at four different facilities after we had accepted our current spot at Philpott Dam. Philpott Dam is located in the southeast area of Virginia almost on the North Carloina and Virginia border. .  Nearby cities are Bassett, Martinsville and Danville.  Philpott is run by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and while originally built for flood control in the early 1950's the dam provides electricity to Dominion and Appalachia power companies.  Along with power generation the Corps offers recreational and camping facilities with a network of three campgrounds, for tents and rvs, a day use park site, and eight boat launch sites.

I tried to find a theme that could be used to share these photos but in that, I failed. The following photos and captions will I hope give  you an idea of this area.

this panorama of the lake and dam gives a reasonable view of the 3000 acres of water and over 100 miles of shoreline.  there are several houses and buildings along with some old graveyards covered by the lake.

The down stream side of Philpott Dam. Known as the tailrace this area houses the power house control room for the generators.  Late last year there was a massive arc flash in the control room which destroyed all the equipment. A new power house and control room are under construction.
This is the dam as seen from the water.  Every weekend during the summer season there is a safety boat patrol on the lake. As a volunteer I have been able to assist with this a couple of times.
Fishing is a very popular pastime on the lake. This is the view of the marina parking lot on most weekends. There is no size or horsepower limits for boats on the lake.  Several fishing tournaments have already been held and according to the schedule there are more to come.  Bass, large and small mouth, trout, catfish, crappie,and some walleye are prized catches.

The small full service marina has a limited number of berths that are available for rent. Living on board is not permitted on the lake.

Each of the campground parks has swimming areas that are monitored on weekends and holidays.  The local population from Bassett and Martinsville are regular users of the beaches.

Since the lake is fed by several small streams it is possible to find such calm alcoves as this at Bowens Creek Falls.

Fairystone State Park is a part of the Virginia State Park system.  Sitting at the top end of Philpott lake these falls separate the State area from the Corps.

This part of Virginia is filled with small towns that have the community spirit attributed to such areas that had company towns like Bassett, the prior home of Bassett Furniture Company.  Events like this music venue on the bank of the Smith River are a regular event.

there cannot be too many places where you can kayak to a free jazz concert.

Because this whole area is plagued by poverty not all the repairs that need to be done are.  this bridge looks a bit precarious and well worn from prior encounters with high water floods. The American Flag is a common symbol and is often accompanied by signs promoting Donald Trump.

On the back roads there are many of these buildings.  I wonder what their history could be? Why would someone abandon a house, cleaning out all furniture but leaving a rocker on the porch?

Another mystery. doors are locked but the windows are missing? No broken glass, just empty window frames.

This gazebo is in an empty field surrounded by a fence that looks like it was built in the 1700-1800 era without posts or fasteners. I swear you can hear the banjo,  fiddle, and guitar trio serenading families with their spread blankets covered with the smoked meats, fried fish, cooked and raw veggies, and home baked pies ready for family and friend picnics.

The outflow from the dam feeds the Smith River.  This river is regularly stocked with rainbow trout but the trophy fish from here is the elusive brown trout.  The size limit for browns is no fish less than 24" can be kept.

Reportedly one of the best fly fishing streams in America men in search of the big brown can regularly be seen trying their skills.

Volunteerism is strong in this area. Community Fire stations manned entirely by volunteers are common.
Ninja squirrels are the local nemesis.