Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Departure -- 2 degrees of awesome

At 9:00am today Elvis left the building headed for a great adventure.

On the train trip to Washington dc I am struck with a   couple of awesomenesses (is that a real word?).  First the fact that when spring finally decides to show itself, it does it with a vengeance.  Areas that were previously covered with snow and barren of any life signs are now covered with grasses, crops working their way into the sun and new born calves bound closely their mother cows.  This is a great beginning for our trip.
The second awesome is that the reality of this trip is settling in.  I have realized that we will traveling in hours what would have taken days or weeks not too long ago.  I have technology that permits instant communications with anyone anywhere.  

My first airplane trip was about 45 years ago.  It was on a propeller driven aircraft whose tail was lower than the rest of the plane (tail dragger).  There was no jet way, no security, just an agent taking tickets and motioning us to walk out on to the tarmac and up the stairs.  Today we checked in, removed various pieces of clothing, walked through an x-ray machine, boarded a subway train and waited in a well fitted traveler’s lounge that overlooked a replica of  United Technologies bicycle powered aircraft.   Things are different today.

In today’s New York Times there is an article on the decline of the middle class in America. It posits there is a decline in the wealth of the American middle class when compared to other countries.  From my perspective as a traveler this is not true at this airport.  The number of families with children traveling is great.  When our kids were young we never traveled by air; vacations were car trips because Having made several trips across the USA by car, that may be reversed today.

There are still a lot of business men, women too but not as many, filling the planes, but a growing group of young millenials are also traveling, either in pairs or alone.  Our international flight check in  had three families with children and  twice as many young, I can use that word since I have children who are older than any of these, travelers.  As I type this I can see a large group of teenagers being herded by a couple of harried looking adults toward their departure gate.  My granddaughters have taken group trips that in earlier eras would never have happened.  Things are different today and they are great.

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