Monday, August 17, 2015

Bryce Canyon National Park

 Bryce Canyon National Park was established in 1928 after being settled by Ebenezer Bryce and his family around 1850.  In 1942 the park was expanded to its current size of 35,000 acres.  Geologically Bryce is the youngest of the parks in the south Colorado Plateau area. Zion National Park is the middle age park with Grand Canyon being the oldest in geological years.

Bryce, like Zion and Grand Canyon, was formed by erosion from streams and the melting run off from rains and snows of winter.  I hope you enjoy these photographs.

can you see the sitting Buddah?

Colorado River is a contributor to the majestic rock formations of the area

Parker Dam is one of many that control the flow of water.

Inside of the Bryce Canyon Lodge which was built in early 1900's and was accessed only by hiking, horse, or wagon. There are some photos of the celebrity visitors who would tough it out for a rustic vacation.

this the front of the lodge. Yes, those are full tree trunks used for roof supports.

the three monkeys. hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

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