Monday, August 17, 2015

Craters of the Moon National Monument

 A relatively new geologic feature is  found at this national monument.  Starting some 15,000 years ago with the latest eruption a mere 2,000 years ago the great rift provides proof of the volcanic nature of our planet.  Large fields of cooled lava are dotted with mini volcano cones which are actually blowholes for releasing gas captured under the molten flow of lava.  This area is along the Snake river Plateau in Idaho.

this shows a section of the border between the oldest and newest volcanic residue.

read below to understand about these strange growths on this pine tree.

The white dots are lichen growths.  Nature taking back what was hers before the eruptions.

The dark area in the distance is the boundary of the lava flow.

From the high point in the area.

looking into one of the gas vents

a gas vent

there is a high school in the area and with all such institutions proof of attendance is posted on mountains. 

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