Friday, May 16, 2014

Appian way in Rome

Italy has protected a part of the Appian way.  This road which was a major way into Rome and connected the city with major cities in the southeast of the country.  it is now a preserved parkway available for picnics and easy walks.  Linda and I took just such a walk and found the afternoon to be a genuine relaxation from the chaos and hustle of the city which was less than 1/2 mile away.

apparently a guard station on the road into Rome

stones are actually what was there when road was built. actually amazing to walk where you know centurions marched over 2000 years ago.  You can feel their spirits.

some road has been repaved with smaller stones but gate ways still exist. 

this building is the tomb of a well placed family. 
area to the left is burial area while to the right are for entertaining to honor the dead.   

this is not an error. the white dots are cottonwood pollen in the air. ACHOO!!!  I am sorry for that but my allergies are active just by looking at this stuff.  

veggie garden in one of the restaurants along the Appian Way.

shaded stroll along where centurions and roman senators would walk.  My three years of high school latin were starting to come back and cloud my thinking.  
along the way

two thousand years old and still standing

the red poppies are in bloom.  I suspect these flowers are the spirits of our ancestors and the slaves that built this road returned to share the beauty of this area

MOther nature is in the process of reclaiming the ruins as this cluster of flowers demonstrates.

The catacombs of St Sebastian along the Appian Way. According to religious legends st Sebastian met the disciple Paul here after Paul's encounter with Jesus on his way back to Rome to be crucified for the second time.  .

Typical christian tomb area in catacombs

typical pagan tomb area in same catacombs.  The christians were first to use this burial grounds and later as they were persecuted the area became a pagan burial ground with much more elaborate crypts. 

the ceiling in the church is made entirely of wood.  the carvings and moldings are all  hand carved .

original walls and towers are united with newer construction to create living areas and commercial centers.

without a doubt this 2-3 mile walk along the Appian Antica was a most pleasant afternoon. 

Monastery along the way.  

small roman villa that faced the Appian.  ostentatious display of  wealth is an under rated way of life. 

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