Thursday, May 1, 2014

Milan -- Fashion Capital of the World


Diamond bracelet -- one of those "if you have to ask..." items

Milan is called the fashion capital of Italy and with good reason. Fashion week is the penultimate experience for haute couture.  Designers and models come in from all corners to display their wares and designs.  This event was a few weeks prior to our arrival but even so many of the name brand stores were touting their goods with extensive window displays and HUGE outdoor adverts are left over from the extravaganza. 
For the cat (and jewels) fancier with money
one half of the Galleria shopping area

Central dome of the Galleria
  Even the Duomo has exterior walls with signs and electronic display panels advertising discreet clothing and vacation travel.  I can imagine the conversations in the   priory when choosing who to allow to use the side of the church as an advertising panel.  “Let’s see, do we allow half naked or in humane behavior with suppliers?” “Who pays the most?” easy-peasy decision…Yeah.

One of the main commercial gallerias is right next to the Duomo.  The Galleria includes all big names and is designed to permit easy shopping.  The X shape permits a flow around the area so that every shop can be visited.
The Galleria has in the center 4 secco paintings that represent the corners of the world.  This is the Americas (construction scaffolding hides the lower portion)
this is African C
This is Europe -- specifically England
The Asian countries

While money is the main driver of the Galleria there are areas for the average visitor.  Restaurants, bars, and a good luck area entice people to stay and enjoy the area.  The good luck area is a mosaic of a bull on the floor of the main area which legend has it that if you put your foot on the bulls testes (a prominent part of his anatomy in the display) and turn around (direction does not seem to matter) three times you will have good luck.  Sounds crazy but there is long line waiting to stomp on the bull and spin.
Three times around and good luck is yours

It appears that shoes are the current fashion statement.  Feet are IN and sexy. Some of the designs are well suited for wearing while others are of the “what were they thinking?” variety.  The colors for footwear are universally bright and gaudy. Fluorescents and adorning gems are abundant in the designs.
300 euro  shoes hand painted of course

Hand painted and no two alike.  Ultimate fashion statement.

Buckle up for whatever come your way.



More Shoes

Glitter when you walk

Milan is the fashion center for everyone, including the working craftsman.  Drills bedecked in jewels and sequins, chain saws with color, and welding helmets with chandeliers are present for the affluent yet crafty individual.  
While on site, you must look good
perfect for repairs to your yacht, or airplane, or for just welding around.

The perfect mothers day gift?
for the well to do craftsman

Even reasonably priced athletic shoes are kept up to date with current fashion.

The crowds are large but I do not see many buyers entering the stores. The top line stores have what
Blouses (tee shirts?) for 90 euro each
There are no buy one get one sales in evidence
 appears to be guards, often in tuxedos, at the front door.  I suspect I could have met one of these nice people by simply opening the door to go in.  They can smell noveau riche, and I do not have it.

The window displays sometimes have prices displayed on a small card toward the front of the display.  Prices with four figures, all to the left of the decimal point, are common.  As I said, not much buying going on. 

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