Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rome in a collage of photos

here are some misc pix from our stay in Rome.  some are just observations on the people and the city while some are meant to show historical info.  Hope you enjoy the mix of  images 

traveling veggie seller who was near our apt on alternate days. Food storage in the small apts is a problem and so such vendors as this are needed. 

Mosaic in one of the metro stations.  the metro in Rome was actually not bad.  it has limited coverage and the two new lines they are building will greatly improve access to many areas in the city. 

Not sure how Betty Boop fits with Italian gelatto but here she is. 

flower gardeners will thrive in any environs. put one in the middle of a big city and they will find a way to grow something.  Roses crowned the rooftop of this building. 
The Parthenon is another of the ancient buildings that are surrounded by the modern city. it is an amazing structure considering the 16 exterior columns are each a single piece of stone that was cut in Egypt and hauled by barge to Rome then erected by hand .  Constructed in 27 B.C. as a temple to all the roman gods it has served as a place of worship ever since. 

The original bronze entrance doors are still in use

The dome, here and in the next photo, is the largest unsupported concrete dome in the world at 142' diameter. in looking at a cross section the top is thinner than the base and shows incredible understanding of stress forces by these ancient builders. 

The whole in the middle is called an Oculus and was positioned to let in light. it also lets in rain and so the floor is convex designed to permit drainage .  There are also holes in the granite slabs to speed drainage.

A slight convex shape and holes in the circles are for drainage

The artist Raphael is buried in the Parthenon in this crypt. 

The story of Rapael is here.  
column detail showing positioning for structure

Italians must read a lot as there were several of these used book sellers about the city. I am of the opinion that they read because TV is so bad here.  we had over forty channels and most of them had talking head news or cooking  and game shows, bad game shows. 

The Tiber river splits Rome and this island houses one of the hospitals in the city. 

Parking like driving in this city is often at the drivers discretion.

this is an old section of the Roman bridge crossing the Tiber.  the new bridge can be seen in the rear. 

The Komen race for the cure was setting up a run at Circus Maximus which is where Nero held chariot races. 

The ruins of the seating sections at Circus Maximus.  Standing in the field in front of this i could almost hear the roar of the crowds as the chariots and horses raced by scattering the gravel as they rounded the oval race course. 

Shopping is done mainly at small shops specializing in one area of the food pyramid. 

You buy your fish above and your veggies here then find a bakery for bread and  brioche followed by a visit to teh enotechia for some wine.  

shopping is often a partners day out . 

remember the parking idiot above?  if not done with style justice is doled out.  check out the mirrors on this car.  Park too close or wrong or drive on a narrow street without paying close attention and guess what!

The altar of the Fatherland is a monument to the unknown soldiers of WWI who found for  Italy. Its scale is enormous as can be seen by the people on the steps.  

save this picture so when you think you are having a bad day you can look at these police women attempting to direct traffic in a busy Roman intersection and know yours is not so bad afterall

any and every type of pasta for sale at Campo Di Fiori market

Dried fruit and veggies

dried whatever you might want or need

About 10 different types of dried tomatos. 

various olive oils

Balsamic vinegar.  USA stores carry 5-6 this merchant had over twenty. 

Maybe a Ray Bradbury fan?
Sausages and salumi 

parma ham and prosciutto 

Only fueling station I saw in Rome. four diesel pumps and only one gasoline.

street vendor of ladies (okay not just for ladies) stockings. 

This obelisk in the piazza in front of the Parthenon is inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs.  I am sure there is a story here but I can't find it. . 

I liked this creative perfume advert in a store window. 

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