Thursday, May 15, 2014

florence 2

The following are some photos of our stay in Florence, Italy. These are in no special order, just like Florence. So enjoy this random selection of images.

if you were connected in ancient Florence you would want your  bust carved and displayed at your house.  I view these as the precursor to the selfie of the inernet. 

Teh Medici family was a benefactor to the arts, all forms, and this cabinet was commissioned and produced for a family bedroom.  excellent craftsmanship and  exquisite finishes.  

ceiling in one of the Medici palace rooms

Ceiling in the Loggio a major public building about 2,000 years old.

More support of the arts demonstarted in ceiling arts.
/This was taken from the train on the way into Florence. The castle and church for this village can be recognized by their towers.  located on this bluff, this village was well sited for defense. 

Florence is a walking city and good, comfortable shoe are a requisite.

Okay, this is just a fun statue.  I see the saint doing a funky dance in the recess.  Disco in the first century. 

Michelangelo's David.  This statue is over 16' and is designed to be viewed from the base.  when looked at from directly in front the oversized hands and legs appear in proportion to the rest of the body. 

bell tower for the Duomo of Florence. 

Bronze doors to the Duomo

Main area of the Duomo

the line of visitors waiting to visit the balcony of the dome of the Duomo

This bus sign gives a false sense of security for the bus system.   Reality is a system that has buses which are numbered the same but run different routes.  The #14 may or may not be the one you want to get back to your apartment.  personal experience speaking here. 

road leading to Duomo

left side of duomo

right side of duomo

Did I mention I like Gelatto?  N.B. Nutella gelatto is only good in a small size. 
one of the many statues in the piazza. Hercules is slaying the centaur in this one from 1st century AD. 

HIgh speed train to Florence reached top speed of 250km/hr. 

Florence is noted for leather work and this is just one of the shops that will help the visitor adorn themselves with new purse or whatever.  

Leather bags are priced at reasonable prices. (I acquired a "man purse")
Jackets, vests, pants, anything that can be made of leather is.

Panini and caffe for lunch. 

Medici castle and tower. 

Medici library.  Medici were the power players in Florence and as a family produced a couple of popes along with a family that supported the arts and artists.  Powerful and generous --- evil if you opposed them. 

another view of tower

Michelangelo's David 

with gas prices in the US$8 range motor bikes are very popular.  Some of the drivers are obviously  seeking an early reunion with their dead relatives.

Neatly parked bikes does not reflect the chaotic behavior on the road. 
Narrow roads, big buses, narrow sidewalks

understated entrance to National Museum. 

This business did not want anyone sitting on their window sill.  check out the spikes

Bandini's Pieta or Disposition of Christ

A good idea from Florence.  These panels are situated around the city and allow a place for the posting of  flyers in specific places, centralizing and reducing the paper graffiti that would  otherwise been posted. 

This bust of an unkown is particularly impressive for its use of different stones for head, shawl, and bonnet.  The skill associated with  having these three pieces fit together and to appear as a single item is amazing. 

Street market -- What would you like?  its here!

another location of multiple street vendors.  Some of these street shops were associated with brick and mortar stores immediately behind them.   can't find what you want in the street? step around and go into the store. 

Court yard of the Uffizi museum and gallery. 

Statue in Loggio showing wrestlers.  Look carefully and you will notice that wrestling in the first century AD was really a no holds barred activity. 
Ponte Vecchio Bridge.  This bridge was the original location of the gold and jewelry merchants in ancient Florence. some of the small shops on this bridge are the origianl buildings.

a copy of David is at the overlook area in Florence

Florence castle facing the river. 

Tis and the next photo show the skyline of Florence from the lookout area. This to the right and below to the left

A Tool used by Galileo to plot position of stars 

plaster models used for medical education during 1500's.  these are for obstetrics and show positions of baby in womb. Incredible detail for a period when vivisection was not condoned by Church or laity 

Galileo's drafting tools.  really, his own tools. 

a paddle boat designed by Leonardo Da Vinci

DaVinci's horse

This is a solar powered alarm to announce a time.  Galileo designed this so that when the sun was at the proper location to represent the hour desired the magnifying lens would ignite the powder charge and announce the hour set.  
Galileo's design of the solar system.  He actually proposed that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun and used this device to demonstrate his thesis. 

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