Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Varenna on Lake Como near base of Italian alps.

Varenna is a small lakeside community about an hour's train ride from Milan.  We enjoyed a day out with Laurel and Jim at this quaint community on the shore of Lake Como.  As you can see the lake is huge and has several ferries running to the communities that ring this major vacation and tourist attraction.

our day trip begins at the Milan subway station.  Milan has a great subway system.

We arrived at Varenna on the train about 90 minutes later. 
This graphic map gives an idea of the overall size of Lake Como.

Pleasure boats and rental boats filled most of the open shore line.

a view north on the lake

ferry boats ran on a regular schedule between towns and villages around the lake.

The open concrete area is actually a boat launch but since there was space sun bathers took some time to enjoy the spring sunshine, even though the temperature was around 60F degrees.

This walkway ran all along the shore.
Varenna boat harbor (such as it is).
Dinning alfresco was very common at the restaurants. We opted to eat in the glassed restaurant seen in the distance of this photo. (breezy and chilly outside)

While we were walking about the town after lunch we discovered this car show.  A few hoods were opened but most just wandered around the vehicles to admire them.
Waterfront scene 

Taken from a ferry boat this shows the expanse of this village up the hills

A tourist attraction that took visitors to the various hotels that lined the shore to the south of town.
Sun lit snow capped Italian alps, older buildings painted a rainbow of pastel colors, lake front, an idyllic scene.

The means of human locomotion in Varenna -- Walking -- Biking -- Motor scooters -- Automobiles.

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